Verde Valley Oasis Reptile Ranch & Rescue Summer Camp


VVO Proudly presents our 2024 Reptile Rescue Summer Camp from June 3rd – June 7th!

What The Camp Includes

Learn About Native Reptiles

Learn the Dangers Of Venemous Reptiles

What To Do When You See A Venemous Reptile

Light Hiking On Nearby Trails

STEM Activities


Dead Horse Ranch State Park, Cottonwood AZ 86326

June 3rd - June 7th

9:00AM - 3:30PM

We are so excited to be hosting our 2024 VVO camp this summer. Ages 8 and up are welcome! Camp will be held at the beautiful Dead Horse Ranch State Park in Cottonwood AZ.

Contact [email protected]. Payments will be received by check or Zelle.

Our Team

The VVO Reptile Ranch & Rescue is a family owned and operated private foundation that provides education to kids and adults about native and exotic reptiles while also offering sanctuary to unwanted and rescued reptiles.

Our Mission

Our Mission is to provide education to kids and adults about native and exotic reptiles while also offering sanctuary to unwanted and rescued reptiles.